Reflections on Ajanta Caves

Equality of Life, one would discern from the incessant cycle of birth, growing up and followed by death of every living being. When this is the pattern of life, what I understand from Buddhist inquiry is to perceive the banality of such a cycle. Such a perspective allows one to reorient the current life in understanding the workings of that particular life set within the context of this larger canvas of universe, where every life is determined by the same cycle. Since man is endowed by the mind, that allows one to reflect and seek the truth, probably compassion emanates for every other life from this simple reflection. Self preservation entails a great many superfluous activities and feelings that from a purely individualistic prism contain a great import. But the scaffolding of such an edifice starts to shift when one starts to realize it as a pattern of life - birth, growing up and death. Such a reflection allowed the bikhus to reorient their pursuit of life on a different path. The meditation - a form of self reflection - conjured these stupendous marvels at the Ajanta Caves. The chiselling away of rock to bring forth craftsmanship that is unparalleled is not an end in itself but a means to overcome the limitations of self trapped in a body. This entrapment with all its encumbrances that emanate from the material interactions is the mire that one needs to get hold of, understand and work one's way to unleash a greater potential that lay within us - simply to understand this cycle of life that pervades every form of life. When such is the pursuit, what comes out of the effort will only be a marvel. Work or human endeavor of these bikhus - who chose a lifestyle that gave preponderance to initiate a start in the direction where one ultimately merges with the whole - is defined by the pursuit of perfection and its result inspires an awe. At any moment in our life, we are seemingly circumscribed by the elements of nature - time and space - that in turn parameterize our base nature. Therefore it is pertinent to realize the structure of their understanding to enable the carving of these magnificent structures.

Date: 2021-10-14 Thu 00:00

Author: Thirumal Ravula

Created: 2024-07-11 Thu 18:04
