The current angst

Table of Contents

1 Essay

This is a note about the rising angst among the majority of Indians; the people who are trying to provide answers to that helplessness; and the state trying to suppress any notion of dissent.

The current angst is not really about the right taking over left, or the brahmnism trying to assert over dalit bahujans, that has been happening all the time in India.

To be fair the left is very negligible in India, the left and the center in India from Independence established a Nehruvian populist bourgeois capitalist state.

Except that there always were organic movements and organic leaders in the hue of Bhagat Singh, T Nagi Reddy etc.

But there is also this people whose current practise of perpetuating the same bourgeois state is no different from the earlier party, but wanted power , their ideology might say something like economic nationalism but their hue and cry and the noises of hindutva are only a cover for the power, like pseudo secularism to the other side.

All the current political parties are in the grip of Indian version of Koch brothers.

Today I see the real fight will be between the people who want a just society that is equitable and sustainable and the others that favors the self over the community.

So, therefore every 'brahmin' ( I mean in the real sense that all teachers are ), should think over this and form a solidarity to lead from the just side.

This is not just a moral calling but an existential one.

Date: 2018-09-02 Sun 00:00

Author: Thirumal Ravula

Created: 2024-07-11 Thu 18:05
