Notes from the reading of Annihilation of Caste

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

Notes taken while reading the book The Annihilation of Caste. The book is the print of the speech that Mr. Ambedkar was supposed to give to the Jat-Pat Todak Mandal.


2.1 Other Quotes

  • Know truth as truth and untruth as untruth - Buddha
  • He that will not reason is a bigot. He that cannot reason is a fool. He that dare not reason is a slave - H. Drummond

2.2 From Preface

Besides Mr. Gandhi, many others have adversely criticized my views as expressed in my speech. But I have felt that in taking notice of such adverse comments, I should limit myself to Mr. Gandhi. This I have done not because what he has said is so weighty as to deserve a reply, but because to many a Hindu he is an oracle, so great that when he opens his lips it is expected that the argument must close and no dog must bark.

But the world owes much to rebels who would dare to argue in the face of the pontiff and insist that he is not infallible. I do not care about the credit which every progressive society must give to its rebels. I shall be satisfied if I make the Hindus realize that they are the sick men of India, and that their sickness is causing danger to the health and happiness of other Indians.

Date: 2018-09-01 Sat 00:00

Author: Thirumal Ravula

Created: 2024-07-11 Thu 18:05
