Stating the Problem

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

During this presentation, we state the problem for Phd.

2 Problem

Facilitate building alternative forms of economic organizations that are equitable and sustainable.

2.1 Current Situation

  1. Modern rational nation states are built upon the premise to provide an equitable society.
  2. 21st century started off with a global economic crisis.
  3. The inequality in the society is at an all time high.
  4. What are the alternatives to our current forms of economic organization? And can information technology facilitate such alternatives?

2.2 Situation Made worse

  1. Arrival of gig economy.
  2. Platforms that enable collaboration are undemocratic, non-transparent, and are extractive.

2.3 Alternatives

  1. Worker Ownership
  2. Platforms that allow the worker or the real service provider to be the major beneficiary.

3 Approach

3.1 Economy as a federation of Cooperatives

  1. Every service provider is a cooperative
  2. Every service consumer is a also a cooperative

3.2 Attributes of the Cooperatives

  1. Democratic
  2. Transparent
  3. Traceable
  4. Probably Others

3.3 Application of Systems and Actor Systems Dynamic Theory

The trick, as with all the behavioral possibilities
of complex systems, is to recognize what structures
contain which latent behaviors, and what conditions
release those behaviors and, where possible, to
arrange the structures and conditions to reduce the
probability of destructive behaviors and to encourage
the possibility of beneficial ones. 

The above para is from the book - 
Systems Thinking Primer, Meadows.
  1. General Systems Theory
  2. Actor-System-Dynamics Theory, ref. The Sociology Of Complex Systems: An Overview Of Actor-System-Dynamics Theory, Tom R. BURNS

    The ASD theory establishes the scientific role that a systems approach might play within the social sciences and humanities.

  3. Understand and model the dynamics of interaction in this federated setup.
  4. Study the influence of current structures on these new alternatives.

3.4 System Actors as Primitives

  1. System Actor is a system that functions in some environment interacting with other systems and is dynamic.
  2. A system actor increases the scope from computational systems and processes to general systems making it applicable for any system comprised of interacting subsystems, e.g., for organization, society, group of people or a computer network.

Reference: Systems, Actors and Agents: Operation in a multicomponent environment, Mark Burgin

4 Solution

4.1 Challenges to get a platform cooperative off the ground

  1. Mobilize the Capital
  2. Build and maintain the technology
  3. Organize the cooperative
  4. Subsdize early entry
  5. Harness the network effect

Reference: Disrupting Together The Challenges (And Opportunities) For Platform Co-Operatives, New Economics Foundation

4.2 Prevalent Ideas

  1. A kernel to support Platform Cooperatives, in a open source model. Ref. Platform Cooperativism, Challenging The Corporate Sharing Economy, Trebor Scholz,
  2. Google.org has granted $ 1 million to PCC.
  3. A single coop builds the technology in a vertical. This is leveraged by other cooperatives who probably pay a percentage for the upkeep of the software.
  4. Blockchain for traceability and transparency.
  5. But no unifying solution yet, though there exist these platforms in isolation.

4.3 The Kernel is a set of Actors

  1. The proposal is to build the kernel as a set of Actors that interact in a dynamic environment while exhibiting a certain behaviour.
  2. One of the attributes of each actor could probably be to behave in a transparent manner.
  3. Ability to build a platform for any cooperative by composing these actors.
  4. Systems of cooperatives are interacting within a larger system.

5 Implementation

  1. Form a non governmental organization that evangelizes the actor platform.
  2. Set up different cooperatives in different areas where each one cooperates with each other.

6 Validation

Establish a feedback loop between the working coops, the design of software and the system models.

7 Resources

  1. The New Systems Project, https://thenextsystem.org/systems
  2. New Economics Foundation, https://neweconomics.org/
  3. Sustainable Cooperation, https://www.scoop-program.org/
  4. Sustainable Societies, University of Groningen,
  5. Institutions for Open Societies, Utrecht University, Nederlands
  6. Platform Cooperatives in existence - https://platform.coop

Date: 2019-05-05 Sun 00:00

Author: Thirumal Ravula,

Created: 2024-07-11 Thu 18:04
