Cost Estimates

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

This document contains the cost estimate of setting up a single workstation using raspberry pi.

2 Requirements

The latest Pi 4 would suffice to serve as desktop computers.

3 Cummulative

This is the price to set up one station.

S.No Type Price Ref
1. Computer 9755.00 ref
2. Table and Chair 7000.00 ref
3. Monitor 4444.00 ref
  Total 21199.00  

4 Desktop Computers

These are the items required to set up a desktop using raspberry pi. Monitors are not included.

Table 1: Items that make up a computer
S.No. Item Buyer Price    
    Link (in rs)    
1. pi-4 Pi 4 Model B 8GB RAM 5719    
2. power supply Pi 4 15W USB C 599    
3. memory card Sandisk 64GB MicroSD 650    
4. keyboard and mouse Official 1889    
5. Case red and white 349    
6. hdmi cable Micro to Standard HDMI (2m) 549    
      9755.00 Total  

5 Table and Chair

2.5 cubic feet of wood is required to make a table and a chair. The making charges will be around Rs.1000

S.no. Type Wood Rate Price
    (cu ft) (rs/cu ft) (in Rs)
1. Table 1.2 2500 3000.00
2. Chair 1.2 2500 3000.00
3. Making Charges     1000

6 Monitors

S.no. Type Price
    (in rs)
1. 46 cm LCD 4444

Date: 2020-11-15 Sun 00:00

Author: Thirumal Ravula

Created: 2024-07-11 Thu 18:05
