
Table of Contents

1 Introduction

These are some of my jottings which I do rarely but of late want to do more often.

2 Stating the problem for Phd.

I see a potential for computation in understanding our society in terms of our economic, political and social organizations and how we can draw the insights from such models to help restructure them for a equitable and sustainable society. Index to different write ups on articulating the problem.

3 Coop Services

One of the solutions for a sustainable and equitable world is worker ownership. Cooperatives are the ideal solution in that direction. How does the new tools of computations and information flow allow to build such worker owned cooperatives?

4 Trips

Index to trips

5 Our Current Society

Perspectives on where we are headed

6 Kissan Cooperative

7 Progress on Phd

Index to the progress.

8 Youth Center

Index to building the center.

9 Computer Center

Index to building the computer center.

10 About Me

Index to who I am.

Date: 2024-05-23 Thu 00:00

Author: Thirumal Ravula

Created: 2024-07-11 Thu 18:05
